We are all aware of our duties and responsibilities. We do need time to relax too. It is fun to get out of the house and either to window shop, to dine or just to get some fresh air.
It is nice to know places such as ikea and royal on scotts have a prayer room for muslims to perform their duties. The comfort of male/female separation and the place to do he ablution, make it even convenient for us to do our prayers.
We are sure of the obligatory duties to perform our prayers regardless of our busy schedule. If there is time to smoke, to go for toilet breaks, for meals and others, it simply means we have time for our Creator.
There are plenty of ways to remind ourselves to pray. With iPhone and its apps for instance, we can get our directions and prayer schedule at our fingertips.
To carry around a portable, foldable, light and handy prayer mat seems like a simple thought but one might be ashame to carry it around, wonder why. Another option would be, to use newspapers, brochures and flyers that are big enough for your face.
Looking for mosques and mussolah might be difficult or troublesome and in the end, the compulsory duties get abandoned. There will be a thousand and one excuses to why praying is difficult.
If you are always properly dressed and know how to preserve your wudhu, you are always ready to pray. Finding spaces that are secluded is easy. Stairs and corners, lobby and smoke stops, endless options. Where ever you can eat, is most likely where you can pray.
Question is, why are we so shy to perform our duties?