The artificial intelligence (AI) is really kicking in and we used to laugh about it in the past. The auto creation of scripts for content become a great subject this year and the muslim community are not spared from joining the discussion. Will it affect the muslims?
Among others that I heard was the worry about sermons and lectures being conducted by robots, talking about Islam. Most probably for this bit, it would be a concern for those who earn a living out of teaching, preaching and even for those religious content creator. Are they really feeling the threat? I don’t know. But perhaps, for those who feel insulted, would definitely be offended if someone were to compare them to a computer. The limitations of a human memory, cannot be compared to a computer. Surely, producing a content with the help of AI would take a tiny fraction of time for the actual graduate of a teacher. For such, this AI and auto generation of the religious content might be a challenge for the traditional teachers who makes a living out of teaching.
Even students these days are sneakingly using the auto generated text for their assignments and essays. The graduates are now equipped in getting answers for almost anything and everything as it has become
a habit to simply use AI to get things done. The qualifications might get them the desired jobs, however the tools used are made available for all regardless of certifications. The older generation who went through the real hustle of researching, studying, memorizing and manually typing, would probably feel insulted how some things could be produced in an instant.
Meanwhile, as a practising muslim, there is no competition. We are servants of the Almighty and we do not seek reward from other beings for our worship and devout. Robots are not a competition and if there were to be robots worshipping The Almighty, it serves no purpose for them. Unlike an engineer or doctors who studied and get the right qualifications for their practice, might be facing serious competitions for clients, as they would depend on other humans to pay for their services rendered. However being a submitter to The Creator, the only thing that matters is His Love.
Allah ﷻ is allowing all these to happen such as the robots getting way smarter and humans losing jobs to computers and technologies, simply showing that nothing lasts forever. It humbles down anyone who thinks that they are smarter and wiser than anyone else. Even perhaps, anyone who thinks they have a better control of their lives and future, or having the knowledge of the unseen, will be proven otherwise, time and time again. No certification is invincible. No qualification is above the rest. No one can stay on top forever.
The One in Control is Allah ﷻ. He is The In-Charged. He is The Sustainer and to Him we ask for help. The skills that we may acquire come from Him. Allah ﷻ might loan us some knowledge but the little knowledge that we may have doesn’t guarantee our safety from the hell fire.
Seek knowledge because of Allah ﷻ and not because of wanting others to call us “the intelligent”. We might need the knowledge to survive but do bear in mind that it is Allah ﷻ who Makes it all happen. The skills that we have should not make us arrogant and think highly of ourselves. However, it should make us realise that we have nothing other than what Allah ﷻ has bestowed upon us.
These artificial intelligences are here to stay. However, it will never take away our roles to practise Islam and being a humble servant to the Almighty.